Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Setting up Eclipse and Android SDK on openSUSE 11.3

1. Download the Android SDK from here: and extract it to /home/username/development/eclipse/androidsdk

2. Download Eclipse from here: and exctract it to /home/username/development/eclipse/

3. edit /home/username/.bashrc and add the following line: export PATH="/home/username/development/eclipse/androidsdk/tools/:${PATH}"

4. Run eclipse located under /home/username/development/eclipse/ and under Help select Install new software. Add a remote update site and paste the following URL: Install the Android Development Tools (ADT) Plugin, restart Eclipse.

5. After this go to Window -> Preferences -> Android, Enter path /home/username/development/eclipse/androidsdk for the SDK location.

6. Goto Window -> Android SDK and AVG manager -> Available Packages, select all and install.

7. After this follow the following: to create your first Hello World app for Android.


  1. This is great. Thank you. I'm using OpenSUSE 11.4 RC1 (64 bit). I'd like to add a few things:
    1) adb is now located in platform-tools directory. I like to make a symbolic link:
    ben@linux-zmpk:~/androidsdk/tools> ln -s ../platform-tools/adb ./adb
    2) Download Fastboot binary from HTC (even for non-HTC devices):
    unzip it in tools/ and fix permissions:
    ben@linux-zmpk:~/androidsdk/tools> chmod a+x fastboot
    3) Don't forget to add udev permissions for your device(s). In /etc/udev/rules.d (as root or sudo) create the file 98-android.rules
    (I chose 98 arbitrarily, I don't think it matters as long as it doesn't collide with an existing rule ##)
    Edit this file to contain the following line:
    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="18d1", ATTRS{idProduct}=="4e22", MODE="0666", OWNER="ben"
    where 18d1 is YOUR idVendor, 4e22 is YOUR idProduct, and ben is YOUR username (all in double-quotes).
    To find your idVendor and idProduct (I'm using Samsung Nexus S), plug in your device via USB and use the command
    > dmesg | tail
    OR, search the web for them.
    Unplug your device. Reset udev (as root) with:
    > udevadm control --reload-rules
    and plug your device back in.
    > adb devices
    should display a Serial(?) number and not a blank or a bunch of ??????????
    USB debugging must be turned on on your device for this to work. If in the bootloader,
    > fastboot devices
    should work as well.

    Good hacking!

  2. You may also need to add the following line to the udev android.rules file:

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  4. it's good but, I needed download Eclipse Helios because with galileo said that some package group doesn't found

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