Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Setting up Eclipse and Android SDK on openSUSE 11.3

1. Download the Android SDK from here: and extract it to /home/username/development/eclipse/androidsdk

2. Download Eclipse from here: and exctract it to /home/username/development/eclipse/

3. edit /home/username/.bashrc and add the following line: export PATH="/home/username/development/eclipse/androidsdk/tools/:${PATH}"

4. Run eclipse located under /home/username/development/eclipse/ and under Help select Install new software. Add a remote update site and paste the following URL: Install the Android Development Tools (ADT) Plugin, restart Eclipse.

5. After this go to Window -> Preferences -> Android, Enter path /home/username/development/eclipse/androidsdk for the SDK location.

6. Goto Window -> Android SDK and AVG manager -> Available Packages, select all and install.

7. After this follow the following: to create your first Hello World app for Android.